Committee Members


The mission of the Local 44 Property Masters’ Steering Committee (PMSC) is to work with the Union to investigate and implement strategies designed to further the success of the Property Master craft and its members within Local 44, the International, and the larger industry of film, television, and commercial production.

Driven by frequent two-way communication with craft members to reach informed decisions, the committee will endeavor to serve its members in the areas of:


The PMSC will form initiatives to educate members on our craft's high standards, technical skills, and contractual responsibilities, and develop mentorship opportunities.

Community and Support:

In recognition of a core tenant of unionism, that we are stronger united, the PMSC will work to build a community among Property Masters and Property Persons to foster an environment of mutual support among craft members.


With specific attention to bargaining negotiations that govern working and retired members, the PMSC will represent the craft’s positions to Local 44 leadership and the International to assure member needs and concerns are addressed.

Join the Committee:

Interested in joining the committee? Let us know!

Our craft is stronger when members get involved.