
story bug black


  1. Everyone should take their personal tools and belongings (computers, iPads, printers, etc.) home on their last day of work prior to Sunday, October 17th.
  2. Make sure your time card is completed and turned in.
  3. Reconcile and turn in all Petty Cash, P-Card, Cashet, Mileage Forms or other outstanding reimbursable paperwork on your last day of work prior to Sunday, October 17th.
  4. If you have your own equipment on rental, which cannot be easily taken home, it should be loaded in your trailers, locked in your boxes, Gold Rooms, or secured in the mill, on stage or other closed areas in the best manner possible.
  5. Have a discussion with your UPM, Line Producer or other Production Representative about what their plans are to care for your equipment in the event of a strike.
  6. Make sure your inventory on file with the Producer is accurate and up to date.
  7. Take photographs of any large equipment, such as table saws, deckers, rolling carts, welders or other items that you secure on the Producer’s property, so that you can have a record of what equipment was left in the producer’s care and what condition the equipment was left in.
  8. Regarding Props, Set Dressing, Greens, Heavy Equipment or other Properties of the Producer that are on rent from third-party vendors, if a strike is called, IATSE members will not be available to un-dress, return, wrap, or otherwise care for those Properties of the Producer after 12:01 a.m. on October 18th.


  1. Prior to Sunday, October 17th, everyone should have their personal tools and belongings that they will need if traveled back to Los Angeles ready to be packed up for the return flight on Monday or shortly thereafter. The Producer is responsible for paying your housing and per diem until they make arrangements for your return.
  2. Have a discussion with your UPM, Line Producer or other Production Representative about what their plans are to return you or your crew to Los Angeles, and how they intend to deal with your kit.
  3. If you are in a hotel, or other accommodation provided by the Producer, or directed by the Producer to rent, you will have to check out and bring home everything that is in that accommodation.
  4. If you didn’t choose the Producer’s housing and chose to rent housing on your own, you will have to make arrangements with your landlord for the fact that the Producer’s obligation is to return you to Los Angeles in the event of a strike. Please call or email the Business Agent’s department for specifics regarding these situations. However, if you have made your own housing arrangements the Producer is not obligated to continue to pay you housing and per diem past the point where they decide to return you to Los Angeles.
  5. If you have your own equipment on rental, which cannot be easily taken home, it should be loaded in your trailers, locked in your boxes, Gold Rooms, or secured in the mill, on stage or other closed area in the best manner possible.
  6. Have a discussion with your UPM, Line Producer or other Production Representative about what their plans are to care for your equipment in the event of a strike.
  7. Make sure your inventory on file with the Producer is accurate and up to date.
  8. Take photographs of any large equipment, such as table saws, deckers, rolling carts, welders or other items that you secure on the Producer’s property, so that you can have a record of what equipment was left in the producer’s care and what condition the equipment was left in.
  9. Regarding Props, Set Dressing, Greens, Heavy Equipment or other Properties of the Producer that are on rent from third-party vendors, if a strike is called, IATSE members will not be available to un-dress, return, wrap, or otherwise care for those Properties of the Producer after 12:01 a.m. on October 18th.



(revised 10/15/21)

In the event of a lengthy strike:

For Property Masters responsible for weapons inspections, collection and/or official inventorying and Special Effects Technicians who are licensees responsible for time-sensitive ATF inspections, please be advised: arrangements can be made in advance with a Local 44 Business Representative and the Labor Relations office of the specific employer, to grant access which will not be construed as a breach of the job action.